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Jens J Meyer

Jens J. Meyer was born in Hamburg in 1958. Parallel to studying industrial engineering, he began studying painting and sculpture at the Academic Workshops in Maximiliansau in 1985.

Since 1989 he has lived as a freelance artist in Essen and Hamburg.
Since 1987 he has realized individual and group exhibitions in galleries and museums as well as projects in public spaces.


Works by him are, for example, in the permanent collection of the Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen. He has received various prizes and grants, such as 1st prize for landmark art in Hamm and an Award of Excellence in Architectural Structures at the IFAI EXPO in Las Vegas, USA.

He has been invited to numerous exhibitions in different countries such as Indonesia, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Tunisia, Argentina and the 8th Havana Biennial, Cuba. Since 2006 he has realized installations in the USA (Forest Art Wisconsin), Croatia, Venice, Italy, Buenos Aires, Canada (CAFKA Biennale Exhibition Kitchener), China (Forest Art Mt Lushan and Forest Art Chengdu), Austria and Taiwan.

Portal of Light

The Portal of Light creates a transitory space, which at the same time invites people to linger by drawing attention to special details. 

White cloth reflects the light into the walk-in interior and its surroundings.

A bright place is created, an "art clearing"  with its own atmosphere. A new place can be experienced

in which perspectives and fabric surfaces open up the dialogue between art and nature.

Another level of dialogue becomes visible through the shadows of the trees on the cloth surfaces. Each of the white cloth elements becomes the screen of a real-time projection and makes the shapes and

Movements of branches, twigs and needles visible as shadows.


The sun paints the forest like an Asian ink drawing on the cloth elements and

focuses on details and their changes through wind and time.
The visitors are thus surrounded by the installation with a living image of the forest and

invited to pause to perceive even the smallest movements and changes.


The portal of light spans like a dome over the path that leads to the forest art park.
Two gates guide visitors in and out. One for the light with a wide view of the mountains

and the other one inside the forest with the close view of nature. 

The center of the fragile dome construction made of cloth and cordage creates a central node directly above the path.The cloth elements arch from here

except for a circular ground plan.


The two gates are connected with intermediate elements so that together they create a common space. A light cloth vault, the portal of light at the entrance to the forest art park.  

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